JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008,

20-22 Oct, 2008 - Hamburg, GERMANY

Le Royal Meridien

PLEASE CLICK HERE to view upcoming event. Information here is outdated

Click here to view workshop info

Click here to view Spanish version of event Press Release 



Successful Implementation & Integration Strategies
Overcoming Concerns on Sustainability
Maximising Project ROI and Jatropha Yield through Improved Agronomy

J ATROPHAWORLD is a series of conferences that are dedicated to providing accurate information from actual practitioners, scientists and policy makers. It is a dynamic Networking and Information Sharing Platform which addresses the various concerns and challenges pertaining to Jatropha curcas Cultivation and Investments. The main themes include:  Sustainability, Agronomy, Implementation, Financing, Policy, Social, and Technology.

JATROPHAWORLD Hamburg 2008 aims to answer the critical questions:

• What are the best practices in Jatropha agronomy to generate maximum jatropha yield and ROI?

• Small scale vs. Large scale operation jatropha curcas plantation

• Plantation or Outgrowers?

• Jatropha plantation site selection criteria – country policy, land-use legislation and availability, climate, soil, labour, logistics

• How do we attract investors and financiers to scale-up our projects?

• What are the sustainability criteria?

JATROPHAWORLD at Jakarta & Miami had attracted over 800 participants from over 45  countries, making them part of the largest international gathering of Jatropha Investors, Financiers, Scientists and Agronomists.

Why You Must Attend JATROPHAWORLD Hamburg 2008

• Pinpoints issues that help you build your business based on sustainable practices

• Maximise your jatropha yield and profit potentials by learning the right agronomy practices
• Benefit from the experiences of notable projects from around the world
• Discover the various applications of jatropha seed and by-products
• Acquire updates on latest R&D in jatropha plant and seed
• Interact and network with the who’s who in the industry
• Debate and make your voices heard regarding the controversies surrounding jatropha curcas 
• Meet jatropha seed suppliers

JATROPHAWORLD is the only event you need to attend to secure valuable information and build meaningful relationship for your jatropha venture. Be sure to sign up early to guarantee your place at this exciting conference cum networking event. Register or enquire at www.futureenergyevents.com/jatropha 

You will network with

• Current & Potential Biofuels Producers • Power Producers • Regional Plantation Owners / Investors

• Oilseed processing industry players • Institutional Investors • Financiers and venture capitalist, project and finance managers

• Commodity Brokers and Analysts • Renewable Energy Consultants

• Agrobiotech, Fertilizer & Crop Protection Company Executives • Biofuels Technology and Equipment Suppliers

• Commodity Testing, Inspection and Surveyors • Agricultural Machine Suppliers

• Environmental Engineers • Energy & Environment Researchers • Fuel Marketers & Distributors

• Auto-makers, engine and power generating set manufacturers • Biotechnology Researcher, Agronomist, Geneticist

Jatropha Practitioner Workshop

Day 3 - Wednesday, 22nd October

0845 - 1430 hr
OPTIONAL Post-Conference Workshop ( Fee: EUR595/person )

Limited seats available for effective discussion; open to conference delegates only


Message from Workshop Chair


Thilo Zelt, GEXSI

Jatropha has the potential to become one of the leading feedstocks for sustainable biofuel production in the future. The challenge remains to enhance the knowledge of actual plant-handling in order to achieve good results. Having conducted more than 160 interviews with Jatropha project developers worldwide (www.jatropha-platform.org), we realized the need for exchange of know-how among projects to bridge the knowledge gap and to establish consolidated cultivation methods and best practices.

The Workshop is dedicated to highlighting practical aspects of Jatropha Plantation Set-Up and Maintenance. Experienced Jatropha practitioners from Africa, Asia and South America will share their experiences and techniques with the participants. Ample time will also be dedicated to interactive discussions between the speakers and participants.

The Workshop will focus on the initial steps in the Jatropha value chain, i.e. selection and preparation of the land, preparation of the actual plants and techniques to establish and maintain strong and healthy plantations. These aspects greatly influence the economics of Jatropha business model and their successful implementation help build a technically-sound project.

This workshop is  organized in partnership with     


The Global Exchange for Social Investment – GEXSI (www.gexsi.org) is an international development finance intermediary which operates worldwide with offices in London and Berlin. GEXSI’s mission is to support social entrepreneurs in low-income regions worldwide to move from philanthropic support to commercial investment. GEXSI focuses on businesses that have social, environmental and economic impact, and clear potential for scaling up or replication. Since 2005, GEXSI has build up a Jatropha expert network and has done extensive work in promoting Jatropha and supporting Jatropha entrepreneurs – e.g. the first Global Market Study on Jatropha.


Jatropha Practitioner Workshop is the OPTIONAL post-conference workshop on 22 October 2008.


Workshop time schedule 

08:45 Workshop Chair’s Opening Remarks

09:00 Session I: Plantation Set-up
Land selection: favorable soil and climatic conditions, nutrient requirements, risk mitigation (cyclones, bush fires etc.)
Land preparation: clearing techniques, tillage vs. no-tillage; carbon emissions of land-use change, cost aspects
Seedling production: nursery design (polybags vs. nursery bed), seed selection, timing, shading, experiences with alternative methods – cuttings and direct seeding
Planting out: plant preparation, preparation of tree holes, fertilization and watering
Spacing: comparison of alternative plantation designs

Clive Richardson, CEO
Kilimanjaro Biofuels Corporation


Tim Mahoney, CEO
Bio-Energy Resources Ltd.


Erik Wiersma, Global Manager for Sustainable Oil Supply Program

D1 Oils Plant Science

10:00 Discussion

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Session II: Plantation Management
Pruning: timing, intervals, techniques, intensity, shaping of tree forms
Pest control: types of pests and diseases, solutions and strategies, biological options, integrated disease management, cost aspects
Pollination: supportive measures, use of bees, timing
Fertilisation: effects, fertiliser types, organic fertiliser, application techniques, timing, cost aspects
Irrigation: pros and cons, types, technology, frequency, cost aspects
Weeding: options, erosion control aspects, leguminous cover plants
Intercropping: suitable options, farming models, timing, economics
Renier van Rooyen, General Manager

ESV Bio-Africa


Roger Sheriff, Owner



Mr. Gjalt Hooghiemstra, Head Agronomy and Logistics
Green Power Holding AG


12:30 Discussion followed by end of Workshop
13:30 Lunch
14:30 End






Hamburgo (PRWEB)10 de Julio 10, 2008 – Libre acceso para descargar gratuitamente el articulo más reciente del Dr. Rajagopal   «mejores prácticas a largo plazo del desarrollo del Jatropha”


Este documento instrumental establece las directrices para el desarrollo de estándares de sostenibilidad tanto para la pequeña y gran escala mundial de empresas productoras de   Jatropha


En Noviembre del 2007 la posición de su documento " Materia prima de Biodiesel Sustentable: Jatropha: Una opción Estratégica'-descargado por más de 2000 personas de todo el mundo

  Este articulo fué el mas discutido en enero de 2008 en la conferencia de Yakarta JatrophaWorld . La próxima JatrophaWorld que se llevará a cabo en Octubre del 2008 en Hamburgo ofrecerá nuevas ideas y la información oportuna en biocarburantes sustentables como el Jatropha.


Como aceite de la semilla de Jatropha se acerca a la comercialización como una alternativa viable de fuente de energía alterna , es imprescindible contar con iniciativas de sustentabilidad en el lugar. "La produccion de Jatropha y su uso necesitan un amplio criterio de sustentabilidad al igual que otros cultivos alimentarios", afirma Dr R. Rajagopal de KnowGenix. "Además, la gestión de los recursos de la tierra, la gestión del agua y prácticas de cultivo necesitan una mejor comprensión a la luz de las denuncias de las diversas practices del Jatropha en todo el mundo".


En su último documento publicado, el doctor R. Rajagopal dió a conocer las directrices de criterio necesarias para que el Jatropha sea un biocarburante sustentable.


Algunos de los temas criticos cubiertos incluyen:



  • La importancia de contar con un detallado Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) para los diferentes itinerarios tecnológicos y de cultivo para determiner el equilibrio en las las opciones de GEI (gases de invernadero)
  • La necesidad de centrarse en los impactos del suelo, el uso del agua, patrones de uso del suelo, balance de gases de efecto invernadero, la pérdida de biodiversidad y aspectos sociales para garantizar el uso sustentable de Jatropha como materia prima para biocarburantes.  
  • Los problemas inherentes a los mega proyectos de Jatropha  
  •   La importancia de abordar los factores clave como la creación de cadenas de valor locales, la movilización de financiamiento de carbono potencial y la revisión de la dinámica socio económica de una región en particular antes de emprender grandes proyectos de Jatropha.  

"Para garantizar el uso sostenido de los recursos naturales, el desarrollo de los biocarburantes debe ser cuidadosamente planificados y gestionados," afirma Dr R. Rajagopal. «El futuro de la mega Bioenergia las iniciativas requerirán de una aceptacion de criterios internacionales de sostenibilidad, es imperativo que todas las partes interesadas para lograr una armonización de las normas que se proponen." Ello implicaría ocuparse de los factores que rodean el crecimiento del Jatropha , como la competencia de tierras agrícolas , las inquietudes sobre diversidad biológica, la alimentación combustible frente a las cuestiones de competencia y la escasez de recursos hídricos.


Aquellos que quieran acceder a los documentos del doctor Rajagopal R. 's «Mejores prácticas a largo plazo del desarrollo de Jatropha' puede visitar

  http://www.futureenergyevents.com/jatrophapaper/ para una descarga gratuita


JatrophaWorld Hamburgo 2008 conferencia prevista para el 20-21 de octubre dará más información sobre la sostenibilidad del Jatropha como una alternativa viable de combustible . Es crucial esta conferencia de 2 días es la 3 ª de su tipo tras los pasos de la buena aceptación y asistencia del JatrophaWorld Yakarta y Miami, Florida, EE.UU. conferencias celebradas en enero y junio de 2008 respectivamente, lo que atrajo a más de 1000 participantes de 55 países. JatrophaWorld Hamburgo se reunirán   inversionistas de Jatropha , agrónomos, capitalistas de riesgo, financieros, productores de biodiesel, y funcionarios gubernamentales de los cuatro rincones del planeta para compartir información sobre:


• Directrices para el desarrollo de proyectos sostenibles de Jatropha
• Jatropha a la certificación energética
• Jatropha para el Desarrollo Rural
• Incremento de la Comunidad Rural de Proyectos valor comercial
• Jatropha para la Rehabilitación de tierras degradadas


Expertos panelistas en el simposio se incluyen las personas de la Unión Internacional de Instituto de Investigación de Cultivos para las Zonas Tropicales Semiáridas (ICRISAT), Instituto Copérnico & Fact Fundación y altos ejecutivos de Global Exchange para la Inversión Social y Agricola.


Para asistir JatrophaWorld 2008 en Hamburgo, visita para registrarse http://www.futureenergyevents.com/jatropha/ . Le ofreceremos los últimos avances y conocimientos sobre Jatropha como una fuente de energía alternativa, El simposium JatrophaWorld Hamburgo 2008 también le permitira a los asistentes la oportunidad de trabajar en red con otros actores internacionales en la industria de Jatropha.



Industry News

JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008 is excited to welcome 3 new additions to our panel of experts speaking at the conference. With these new additions, the JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008 panel will now have a TOTAL of 35 EXPERTS sharing their perspectives and updates on Jatropha, which is the largest panel we’ve ever had for our JatrophaWorld events, and the largest panel of Jatropha experts speaking at any single Jatropha event in the world!


It gives us great pleasure to introduce the following key Jatropha experts who have decided to grace us with their presence at JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008.


1) Dr. Habil. Uwe Lahl, Director General
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, GERMANY

TOPIC: OIL CHANGE – Biofuels & Sustainable Mobility

2) Mr. Johannes Lackmann, Managing Director
Verband der Deutschen Biokraftstoffindustrie e.V. VDB (Association of German Biofuel Industry)

TOPIC: TABLE OR TANK? - Is it possible to have sustainable biofuel?


3) Mr. Josef Schneider, Sales Manager

Harburg-Freudenberger Maschinenbau GmbH
TOPIC: Expeller Presses for Jatropha

JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008 is all set to welcome Jatropha practitioners from over 50 countries at the only truly GLOBAL Jatropha gathering in the world.


You will also be part of a truly historical landmark for the Jatropha industry as the world’s first Global “Jatropha Sustainable Biofuels Alliance” will be launched during JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008.


If you haven’t already confirmed your participation at JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008, now would be a good time to do so, as 20 October is only TWO WEEKS AWAY! Click on the "REGISTER ME" tab at the top of this page to register for JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008 right now!


We look forward to meeting all of you in Hamburg!

13 Oct, 2008

JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008 is excited to welcome 4 new additions to our panel of experts speaking at the conference. With these new additions, the JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008 panel will now have a TOTAL of 36 EXPERTS sharing their perspectives and updates on Jatropha, which is the largest panel we’ve ever had for our JatrophaWorld events, and the largest panel of Jatropha experts speaking at any single Jatropha event in the world!


It gives us great pleasure to introduce the following key Jatropha experts who have decided to grace us with their presence at JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008.


1) Dr. Habil. Uwe Lahl, Director General
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, GERMANY

TOPIC: OIL CHANGE – Biofuels & Sustainable Mobility

2) Mr. Johannes Lackmann, Managing Director
Verband der Deutschen Biokraftstoffindustrie e.V. VDB (Association of German Biofuel Industry)

TOPIC: TABLE OR TANK? - Is it possible to have sustainable biofuel?


3) Mr. Josef Schneider, Sales Manager

Harburg-Freudenberger Maschinenbau GmbH
TOPIC: Expeller Presses for Jatropha

4) Mr. Peter Anthony A. Abaya, President & CEO
PNOC Alternative Fuels Corporation
TOPIC: Developing a National Biofuels Program using Jatropha as the Key Feedstock- STRATEGIES & IMPLIMENTATION

JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008 is all set to welcome Jatropha practitioners from over 50 countries at the only truly GLOBAL Jatropha gathering in the world.


You will also be part of a truly historical landmark for the Jatropha industry as the world’s first Global “Jatropha Sustainable Biofuels Alliance” will be launched during JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008.


If you haven’t already confirmed your participation at JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008, now would be a good time to do so, as 20 October is only TWO WEEKS AWAY! Click on the "REGISTER ME" at the top of the page to register for JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008 right now!


We look forward to meeting all of you in Hamburg!

10 Oct, 2008

Three organizations have founded a global “Jatropha Sustainable Biofuels Alliance” which will be officially launched at JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008.  Their mission is to actively promote a positive reputation for sustainable biofuels and to support their production. Despite a negative public perception not all biofuels have a negative impact on hunger, poverty and the environment.


Jatropha is a small tree, which grows in Latin America, Africa and Asia. It has long been used for reforestation of semi-arid areas. It also has an enormous potential to increase food production and reduce poverty, as recently shown by a report commissioned by WWF. It allows the cultivation of food plants in combination with biofuel production and rehabilitates land that would not be used for food production otherwise.


Biofuel made from Jatropha may contribute significantly to fight climate change and poverty. It generates jobs and a regular income for local communities.


Jatropha Sustainable Biofuels Alliance was founded by: 4C business campaigning GmbH (Zurich), The Global Exchange for Social Investment / GEXSI (London) and Green Power Holding AG (Zurich).


One of their first goals is to raise awareness to the fact that there are different kinds of biofuels and each of them needs to be viewed individually.


Further information:
www.businesscampaigning.com / Carla Bertogg  +41 440 44 10

www.gexsi.org / Dr. Andreas Renner   +49 (0)30 4000 4764 15

www.greenpower.li / Gregor von Drabich-Waechter +41 44 481 49 00  

10 Oct, 2008

“Setting Up Successful Jatropha Projects”, our webcast, went live at 9am EST (USA), 3pm CET (Central Europe), 6.30pm IST (India), 9pm SST (Singapore) on 30 September, and attracted over 150 live listeners and contributors.

Presented in line with JATROPHAWORLD HAMBURG 2008, the webcast called on investors and the Jatropha community to use their economic muscle to put Jatropha in the ground and secure the future of the feedstock.


Speaking at the webcast were Dr. R. Rajagopal, author of the position paper “Best Practices for Long Term Jatropha Development” and Mr. Jamey Hadden, Director of Strategic Development at GreenEnergy Ltd, who has to date, been closely involved in over $20 million of successful placements (both private and public) for jatropha-specific ventures.


Dr. Raj and Mr. Hadden had a lively exchange on the sustainability criteria, Jatropha project management strategies, and the risks and barriers to Jatropha investments. They agreed during the course of their discussion that there isn’t enough Jatropha being cultivated to meet global demand for fuel; both felt that more needs to be done for the future success of Jatropha.

Mr. Hadden raised a valid point when he asked listeners “What are you willing to do to help us make this market?” while discussing the lack of secure supplies of Jatropha seeds and oil.

But it didn’t stop there. He challenged Biodiesel refiners seeking secure supplies of Jatropha oil to, “Go out there and buy some Jatropha right now, lock in a price, lock in your investment and lock in a supply that you will start experiencing in about 3-4 years, that quite frankly, you OWN.

Dr. Raj however reminded listeners about the importance of cultivating Jatropha in a sustainable way, with an understanding of local conditions being the main contributing factor in developing the right sets of practices. He further clarified that there was no ONE method to grow Jatropha successfully, and any profit model or sustainability model needs to be developed at a local level.

Dr. Raj and Mr. Hadden then moved on to answer questions that had been pre-submitted by listeners from Asia, Europe, North & South America and Africa. There was even a live question and answer session, where participants called in & wrote in to contribute to a lively discussion on Jatropha!

To sum up, the webcast was exciting, fast paced, and many issues were raised and dissected by our experts Dr. Raj and Mr. Hadden. In a nutshell, these issues were:

1.      Developing Sustainability Criteria at a local level

2.      Securing Supply of Jatropha oil and seeds

3.      Jatropha’s frost tolerance

4.      A feasible Economic Model for Jatropha cultivation

5.      Jatropha’s Socio-Economic Impact

6.      Need for Jatropha community to meet and exchange ideas


If you missed the live webcast, not to worry. We anticipated that many of you would not have been able to tune in live due to time differences and busy schedules.

We currently have put up the recording of this exciting webcast, which looked at all of the above issues in brief, for you!

Please >>Click HERE<< to access the recording of this webcast.

In the mean time, don’t forget to register for JATROPHAWORLD HAMBURG 2008, which is now the most important event for Jatropha in the world. With registered delegates from over 50 countries, almost everyone who has a vested interest in Jatropha is going to be at JATROPHAWORLD HAMBURG 2008.

As Mr. Hadden had mentioned in the webcast, “It behoves all of us to get together as often as we can to share our data and experiences, and I make it to every JatrophaWorld to keep my finger on the pulse of the industry.”

JATROPHAWORLD HAMBURG 2008 is happening on 20-22 October in Hamburg, GERMANY which is three weeks away. If you haven’t already confirmed your participation, you ought to do so immediately at http://www.futureenergyevents.com/jatropha/attend/register-for-jatrophaworld/

We look forward to meeting you in Hamburg in October.

10 Oct, 2008

So many Jatropha projects are underway or planned for the next five years making the question “What makes a successful Jatropha project Tick” a very critical one for the industry as a whole!

Let’s just look at the statistics.

According to the report, “First Global Market Study on Jatropha” published by GEXSI, “the number and size of Jatropha projects currently being developed is increasing sharply”. The report projects that over “5 million hectares of Jatropha will be planted by 2010.”


That’s a lot of land and a lot of Jatropha and due to the large amount of resources vested in the success of these projects, understanding the factors and practices that will contribute to Jatropha’s commercial success is critical.


Here’s the hitch however, Jatropha is still relatively new, and there’s hardly any reliable information on the ‘how-tos’ of Jatropha project development and management.


Now that’s a void that the JatrophaWorld 2008 team is eager to fill.


We’ve always risen to the challenge of addressing the needs of the industry. So we sought out to answer the question, “What makes successful Jatropha Projects Tick?


We did this by inviting three leading Jatropha authorities in the world to share their views and take your questions at our upcoming one hour *F*REE webinar “Setting Up Successful Jatropha Projects”, which will be held on 30 September at 9am EST (USA), 3pm CET (Central Europe), 6.30pm IST (India), 9pm SST (Singapore).


“Setting Up Successful Jatropha Projects” will be chaired by Dr. R Rajagopal, author of the position paper “Best Practices for Long Term Jatropha Development” and features Mr. Jamey Hadden, Director of Strategic Development at GreenEnergy Ltd, a leading Jatropha authority sharing at JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008.



We are happy to announce the first member of our panel is Mr. Jamey Hadden, Director of Strategic Development at GreenEnergy Ltd. It is fairly accurate to say that Mr. Hadden’s understanding of the Jatropha industry is unparalleled. Over the last three years, Mr. Hadden has been closely involved in over $20 million of successful placements (both private and public) for jatropha-specific ventures.


Mr. Hadden’s company, GreenEnergy (GEV) has the distinction of being Vietnam’s ‘First Mover’ and pioneer in Jatropha cultivation. Working closely with the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development (MARD), Mr. Hadden and GEV have extensive experience in setting up and running Jatropha cultivation projects in new settings.


Mr. Hadden is ideally placed to give you first hand insights into the opportunities and challenges of starting up a new Jatropha venture!


You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to develop your own Jatropha business further with Mr. Hadden’s insights at the “Setting Up Successful Jatropha Projects” webinar, and at JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008, where he will be sharing his views at the Jatropha Investors Panel on the first day of the conference (20 October).


We are also happy to announce Dr. R Rajagopal as the chairman of “Setting Up Successful Jatropha Projects” webinar. Now we’re sure that’s a familiar name to all of you. Dr. Rajagopal burst into the Jatropha scene with his highly rated position paper “Jatropha as a Biodiesel Feedstock: A Strategic Analysis”, which was downloaded by over 2000 people from all over the world. Dr. Rajagopal recently released an update to his initial paper entitled “Best Practices for Long-Term Jatropha Development”, which has also created a tremendous buzz.


Dr. Raj and Mr. Hadden will discuss KEY FACTORS for successful implementation of a Jatropha Projects and take questions from the audience on matters related to the implementation of a Jatropha project.




The question “What makes a successful Jatropha project tick” is too broad, so for this webinar, our webinar chairmen decided to break it down to include the key issues and practices that will contribute to the answer.


Some of the critical questions that Dr. Rajagopal & Mr. Hadden will aim to answer include:


§         How can Jatropha be grown in a sustainable way?

§         Which is the better approach- Collective farming or Large Scale Jatropha projects?

§         What are key factors in deciding on strategies to be adopted by new Jatropha project developers?

§         What are the current risks & barriers to Jatropha investments?


Plus many more...


More critically, the webinar has been designed for YOU!


Have YOUR questions answered: When you sign up for the webinar, you can pre-submit  your questions and have them answered directly by our panelists.


Debate and Analyze the issues that undermine Jatropha’s success:
Our brief live Q&A session will enable you to ask questions and CLARIFY your doubts to evaluate your own practices and approaches to your Jatropha project during the webinar itself. You will be also be able to participate in the discussion about some of the issues and practices undermining Jatropha’s success, and examine if they can be overcome.


SIGNING UP FOR “Setting up Successful Jatropha Projects”


Did you see the part where we mentioned that the webinar was *F*REE?


Yes, we are happy to announce that you can register to join us at the Jatropha WEBINAR at NO COST.


Make sure you visit http://www.futureenergyevents.com/jatropha/webcastH/ & Instantly Confirm your Participation at this FREE Webinar. All you need to do is to fill in the electronic form in the web link we've provided.


We will be in touch with you to provide you with more information on how to submit your questions and tune into this exciting Webinar on 30 September at 9am EST (US), 3pm CET (Central Europe), 6.30pm IST (India), 9pm SST (Singapore).


We look forward to hearing from all of you at the “Setting up Successful Jatropha Projects” on 30 September.



PS: If you haven't signed up for JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008, click on the "register" tab at the top of the page and join participants from over 46 countries who have already confirmed their participation at JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008.


10 Oct, 2008

Besides processing into biodiesel, Jatropha oil also has proven itself to be a viable source of fuel for power generation and heating applications.

In fact, many of the delegates we met at JatrophaWorld Jakarta and Miami had many examples to share about small scale Jatropha power generation plants for rural electrification projects in India & Africa.

Jatropha Oil for Small Scale Power Generation Projects

Many NGOs have Jatropha projects involving some of the poorest villages in Asia and Africa, and getting these poor farmers to plant Jatropha. With this, the village can become entirely energy self sufficient due to the multiple applications of Jatropha oil and by products.

One small scale Jatropha based power project we’ve heard of is the one being run by Winrock International in the Kabir Dham district in Chattisgarh, INDIA, which is already providing 24-hour power supply at the very affordable price of 50 cents per light bulb to poor villagers.

The 17.5 KW capacity power plant, which runs on raw oil produced from jatropha seeds, has been supplying electricity to the villagers since it became operational in April last year. Over 106 households in the area, which previously had no access to electricity, have already been ‘illuminated’ by this innovative power generation project.

The project in Chattisgarh represents Jatropha’s very critical role in rural development, and there other such projects scattered all over Asia & Africa in the Jatropha growing regions. Due to these initiatives, many of the worlds’ poorest will have the chance to get access to electricity for the first time in their life!

Is it Feasible to Use Crude Jatropha Oil for Large-Scale Power Generation?

Belgiuan sustainable energy developer Thenergo seems to think so. Thenergo have commissioned Wartsila to build the world’s first combined heat and power (CHP) plant that will run on jatropha oil.

The project, named Greenpower, is situated in the agricultural area Merksplas (Belgium) and is expected to become operational in February 2009. The plant will generate 6MWth of heat for two industrial partners, and 9MWe of electricity for the equivalent of 20,000 households.

The use of Jatropha oil in power generation and as heating fuel brings the industry a step towards the widespread commercialization of Jatropha, one of the very few ‘Biofuels’ that does not compete with food crops.

According to Wartsila spokesperson Ronald Westerdijk, “Jatropha oil is a liquid biofuel that has great potential since jatropha can also be harvested outside the world’s rainforest areas, even near deserts.”

Using Pure Jatropha Oil in Diesel Engines

Pure Jatropha Oil can be successfully used as a diesel replacement in stationary engines such as water pumps, as well as modified diesel engines for transportation including tractors and vehicles.

There are certain types of diesel engines that require only the addition of a fuel filter to run on pure Jatropha oil, thus eliminating the need of the more expensive blended biodiesel option.

In addition to this, Pure Jatropha Oil also performs better as a fuel due to its higher oxygen content, and has lubricating qualities.

The use of pure Jatropha oil as a transportation fuel makes it more affordable and viable, not to mention environmentally friendly than blended biodiesel.

Other Uses for Jatropha Oil

As a tool for rural development, Jatropha oil does play an important role in generating income and increasing the overall quality of life for communities involved in Jatropha cultivation.

In fact, one of the most critical uses for Jatropha oil is in cooking!

To people grappling with poverty, the price of kerosene or cooking fuel might be prohibitive. The availability of Jatropha Oil in this respect becomes a viable alternative to kerosene
Bosch & Siemens Home Appliances Group (BSH) has recently developed a stove “Protos”, which can successfully burn Kerosene and Jatropha Oil as fuel. In fact, BSH is pushing for the use of Jatropha oil, which is significantly cheaper and environmentally friendly.

More critically, a stove operated on Jatropha oil offers a much safer cooking environment because Jatropha oil is not very flammable and it cannot explode, two of the major concerns regarding kerosene. In rural communities where building materials are often plant based and highly flammable, a safe cooking environment is critical.

Additionally, the more efficient burning of Jatropha oil means that cooking time will be significantly less for the Jatropha stove, thus saving on valuable cooking fuel.

Jatropha’s Capacities in Power Generation, Diesel Engines, Heating and Cooking Covered at JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008.

With Jatropha rising to meet the electricity demands of the developing and the developed world, this application of Jatropha has tremendous potential to become a major revenue generator for Jatropha producers and project developers.

And at JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008, we’re committed towards informing the community about Jatropha’s tremendous potential as a sustainable and environmentally friendly source of Biofuel.

That’s why we are proud to announce Wartsila as one of the newest additions to our panel of experts. Speaking on their CHP project, Wartsila will be sharing insights on alternative uses for Jatropha oil for heating and power generation.

We are also happy to share that Bosch & Siemens Home Applicances Group (BSH) is on our panel sharing more information on their revolutionary Jatropha oil cooking stove.

You can also hear from Cleanstar Ventures, a Jatropha project developer, on their first hand experience with using Pure Jatropha Oil in diesel engines and micro generators.

So what are you waiting for? Register for JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008 today by clicking on the "REGISTER" tab at the top of this page.

We look forward to meeting you in Hamburg in October.

26 Sep, 2008

Jatropha Curcas and its derivates including Jatropha biodiesel have come under intense media scrutiny due to their potential to form part of the solution for the world’s energy crisis. There is more than enough reason to be enthusiastic about Jatropha’s potential as a biodiesel feedstock.

However, Jatropha’s commercial viability still remains in question, as there are still many inherent problems associated with Jatropha’s agronomy, Jatropha seeds, Jatropha oil, and Jatropha oil extraction and processing, for which research is still ongoing.

The success of Jatropha hinges upon a greater understanding of the plant, and these challenges so as to meet them and develop practices to counter them.

Amongst the challenges to the commercial viability of Jatropha are issues surrounding Jatropha cultivation. Jatropha has been proven to grow abundantly in the wild, but it has never been properly “domesticated”. What do we mean by this?

Jatropha yields are not predictable. Claims of yields exceeding 15 tons a hectare and more modest claims of 2 tons a hectare can leave the investor confused over the real figures.

There is also a lack of a proper definition on the ideal conditions suited for the growth of Jatropha. With claims that Jatropha can grow in a desert, in cool climes and in degraded land, there is a need for more awareness of research being done into the agronomy of Jatropha to determine the ideal climatic conditions to ensure maximum returns.

In addition to this, the potential environmental impacts of large-scale Jatropha cultivation are not properly understood at all; with more developing countries implementing Jatropha cultivation as a solution to rural poverty, the need to understand Jatropha’s long term impact on the environment is critical to ensure sustainable development.

There is also a critical need to define sustainable Jatropha cultivation practices, so as to ensure that there is no exploitation of good land and resources to plant this energy crop at the expense of food crops.

A lack of understanding and knowledge of the nature of Jatropha, coupled by a premature push to cultivate Jatropha might result in unproductive agriculture, and the tremendous potential of Jatropha might remain unfulfilled.

In addition to this, there are other challenges to Jatropha’s commercial viability, including challenges of storing and processing Jatropha. As Jatropha oil is highly acidic, it has the tendency to degrade quickly if not handled properly through the supply chain. The degradation of the oil will reduce its commercial value considerably, and increase the cost of processing it. Similarly, Jatropha seeds also have the problem of degrading if not carefully stored and handled from the moment they are picked.

There is already considerable research being done and practices being developed to counter the challenges of cultivation, storage and processing of Jatropha, all of which will be shared at the upcoming JATROPHAWORLD HAMBURG 2008.


JATROPHAWORLD HAMBURG 2008 is the conference that everyone who is thinking about investing in Jatropha, who have already invested in Jatropha and who are currently involved with Jatropha projects right now must attend!

It makes sense that a Jatropha entrepreneur should focus on the building up relationships with experts in the field, who can provide them with the latest updates on Agronomy findings, as well as other strategic development strategies for the Jatropha cultivation and Biodiesel manufacturing ambitions.

This is why anyone with a vested interest in Jatropha should be at JATROPHAWORLD HAMBURG 2008!

Evaluate for yourself, the commercial potential of Jatropha, and find out new technological developments and findings, which will soon make these challenges a thing of the past. Interact with your fellow Jatro-entrepreneurs and gain insights from the top practitioners in the business.

Confirm your participation today by clicking on the “REGISTER” tab at the top of the page and filling in and submitting the electronic form.

26 Sep, 2008

Jatropha cultivation is being embraced as a tool for poverty alleviation in some of the poorest regions across the world, with studies being done into the use of Jatropha oil and Jatropha biodiesel for rural electrification, transport, and for stationary engines for shaft power (like multi-functional platforms).


According to the United Nations, almost half of the world’s population lives on less than $2 a day. In the mean time, the developed and developing world’s energy needs have been expanding exponentially. The high cost and inaccessibility of fossil fuels, leaves approximately 2 billion people worldwide without reliable energy sources, without refrigeration, basic communication, heat, or even light.


Statistics show that two-thirds of the population in the developing world, where poverty is at its peak, derives their incomes from agriculture.


Put in this context, theoretically, Jatropha has enormous potential to change their situation for the better.


There are many who believe that the cycle of poverty can be broken by Jatropha cultivation, as this dedicated crop has a huge potential for replication world -wide, with the potential for improving the livelihood of many more of the world’s poorest.


At the community level, it is argued that farmers who produce dedicated energy crops can increase their incomes and grow their own supply of affordable and reliable energy for their own internal needs.


At the national level, cultivating biofuel crops will generate new industries, new technologies, new jobs and new markets.


At the same time, producing more biofuels will reduce energy expenditures and allow developing countries to put more of their resources into health, education and other services for their neediest citizens.


But this is all a very pretty picture that is still in the process of being realized.


So, can Jatropha really end poverty?


With dedicated poverty reduction programs organized by governments and NGOs and Social Entrepreneurship organizations like GEXSI, the easy cultivability of Jatropha and increasing demand for Biodiesel, it seems that Jatropha can indeed be a viable solution to improve the standard of living of the world’s poorest.


However, this still remains an issue of debate, with detractors pointing out exploitation of cheap labor for Jatropha cultivation. In addition to this, fears remain over the use of valuable land water resources to ensure optimum yields from the Jatropha tree; resources that can be better spent on growing food.


If one scans the investments into Jatropha today, it is still large-scale commercial cultivation focused, but there is an increasingly strong case being made for the sustainability of a responsible and well managed collective Jatropha cultivation project.


Discussion about the socio-economic impact on Jatropha will be on the agenda at JATROPHAWORLD HAMBURG 2008, a conference which brings together on a single platform, the best expertise to discuss and analyze the present and future dynamics of JATROPHA from a socio-entrepreneurial angle.


At JATROPHAWORLD HAMBURG 2008, you will be able to engage our panel of experts in active debate and discussion about Jatropha’s potential to alleviate poverty, and weigh both the positive and negative impacts of widespread Jatropha Cultivation, as well as define the best way to adopt a Jatropha project for poverty alleviation.


Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a part of this authoritative summit on Jatropha.

Confirm your participation for JATROPHAWORLD HAMBURG 2008 today by clicking on the “REGISTER” tab at the top of this page and submitting the electronic form.

26 Sep, 2008


What Makes Jatropha Projects Tick? Upcoming *F*R*E*E* Jatropha Webinar on 30 Sept at 9am EST (USA), 3pm CET (Central Europe), 6.30pm IST (India), 9pm SST (Singapore)Addresses Sustainability of Jatropha and best industry practices. Visit http://www.futureenergyevents.com/jatropha/webcastH/ to sign up immediately.

26 Sep, 2008

Free access to “Best Practices for Long-term Jatropha Development”, the critical update to Dr. R. Rajagopal’s highly successful November 2007 position paper “Sustainable Biodiesel Feedstock: Jatropha: A Strategic Option”, is being offered. It emphasizes the need to develop sustainability criterion for Jatropha as it nears commercialization as a viable alternative energy source. Key points outlined in Dr. R. Rajagopal’s latest position paper will be addressed at the upcoming JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008 conference scheduled for October 20-21, 2008. This vital paper is available for free download at http://www.futureenergyevents.com/jatrophapaper/index.html

26 Sep, 2008