Conrad Seoul
Pöyry?CMT?Biomass Pellets Trade & Power????????????;?????EnerOne????,??Pellet Association Malaysia (PAM)????,??2013?9?9-10??????
?????????????????Biomass Pellets Trade & Power?????????????Pellet Association Malaysia (PAM)?Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM)?????PAM??????????,????????????(Malaysian pellets),????????????AIM?????????????????
Biomass Pellets Trade & Power??????????—Pellet Club Japan?????Ken Kojima???????(Chungbuk National University)??Gyu-Seong Han,?????????????????????????????????,???????????????????????,?????????????????????????????????????????,??EDF Trading Markets?Nicholas Tsirigotis?????????????????????,?Jens Price Wolf?????DONG Energy?????????????????????????????
??????,Pöyry??Global BioFutures Practice???Biocoal – Bioenergy Game Changer in Asia?(«???– ??,?????????»)?????Andreas Teir??????????????????????
Ekman & Co AB?Eco-Frontier?Indufor Asia Pacific?Global Green Synergy Sdn. Bhd.?The National Bioenergy Union (???)??Firefly AB???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Centre for Management Technology
Hafizah Adam, +65 6346 9218
17 Jul, 2013
Sabah, a key oil palm producing state in Malaysia, is quickly turning into a biomass game field for industry players. Recent research has revealed Sabah’s capabilities in producing 30 million tonnes of wet palm biomass per year, sparking renewed interest in the state across both industries. On top of that, the study has also revealed Sabah’s potential in producing 12.69 million tonnes of dry biomass annually for downstream use.
As highlighted by Deputy Chief Minister, Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah, prospective key areas are Lahad Datu and Sandakan, both able to produce more than 5 million tonnes per year each, as well as Kunak and Tawau.
With the new figures in place, Sabah is expected to achieve an additional income of RM 15 billion per year by 2020, giving the biomass sector greater prominence within the country itself.
Pellet Association of Malaysia (P.A.M), an association of Malaysian pellet manufacturers, and Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM), the National Innovation Agency driving the national innovation agenda, serve essential roles in the promotion of Malaysian pellets internationally as well as the development of the National Biomass Strategy 2020 to ensure that Malaysia steps up to the growing global biomass game.
For a start, watch the video clip below in which Bas Melssen, Executive Vice-President and Head of Strategic Innovation Projects, Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) talks about the immense opportunity that would be created by harnessing and utilizing Malaysia's biomass.
Next, download and gain insights on Malaysia’s palm oil sector and biomass strategy from their report on National Biomass Strategy 2020.
At the Biomass Pellets Trade & Power Summit in Seoul on September 9-12, 2013, P.A.M and AIM will elaborate further on Malaysia’s National Biomass Strategy 2020 as well as P.A.M’s role in unlocking Malaysia’s biomass potential and achieving Asia’s renewable energy targets.
More information on the program is available here.
For inquiries, please contact Ms. Hafizah at or Tel. +65 6346 9218.
17 Jul, 2013
???(Poyry), ???? ?????? PAM? ?? ?? 2013? 9? 9?~10? ??? ???? ???? CMT????? ?? ????&?? ????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??
? ? ?????, ????? ???? PAM(Premium Sponsors Pellet Association Malaysia)? AIM(Agensi Inovasi Malaysia)? ???? ????? ?? ????&??(Biomass Pellets Trade & Power) ????? ???. PAM? ????? ??? ???? ????? ??? ??? ???, ????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??(Malaysian National Innovation Agency)? AIM? ?????.
? ? ??, ??, ???? ??? ?? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??. ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ????? ???? 2020??? ?? 1000? ?? ?? ??? ???? ???, ????? ?? ??? ???? ??.
? ???? ?? ????&???? ?? ?? ?? ??? ? ???(Mr. Ken Kojima)? ????? ??? ?? ? ??, ??? ????? ???, ??? ??? ????? ??? ?? ??? ????. ??? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ????? ?? ?? ??, ???? ????? ??? ??? ??? ????. EDF ???? ???(EDF Trading Markets)? ???? ?????(Nicholas Tsirigotis)? ?? ?? ?? ??? ????? ??, ? ???? ??(Mr. Jens Price Wolf)? ??? ???? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ? ?? ?? ????? ??, ?? ???? ????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????.
? ?? ?? ?? ???? ??? ??????????(KOSPO), ??????????(EWP), ??????????(KOSEP), ??????????(KOWEPO), ??????????(KOMIPO)? ?? ?????-?? ?? ????? ????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ????.
? ???? ??? ???(Poyry) ??? ????? ???? ????? ‘???? ???? ?????? ?? ?????’(Biocoal Bioenergy Game Changer in Asia?) ??? ??? ???? ???(Mr. Andreas Teir)? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??? ????.
? ??, ??? ??, ?????, ?????, ??, ?????, ???, ??, ???? ????? ??? ?? ??? ??(Ekman & Co AB), ??-????(Eco-Frontier), ??? ??? ???(Indufor Asia Pacific), ????? ???(Global Green Synergy Sdn. Bhd.), ??? ?????? ??(The National Bioenergy Union), ??????(Firefly AB)?? ???? ??? ????.
? ???:
???? ??
??? ??(Hafizah Adam), +65 6346 9218
04 Jul, 2013
EnerOneが共同主催者となり、ペレット・アソシエーション・マレーシア(PAM)がスポンサーとなって2013年9月9~10にソウルで開催される CMTのバイオマス・ペレット・トレード&パワーに合わせ、Pöyryがバイオコール白書を公表
バイオマス・再生可能エネルギー発電の世界的リーダーらがバイオマス・ペレット・トレード&パワー会議に集います。本会議はプレミアムスポンサーのペレット・アソシエーション・マレーシア(PAM)とAgensi Inovasi Malaysia(AIM)が後援するものです。PAMはAIMと足並みを揃えながら、一般的慣行と規格を確立し、マレーシア産ペレットの利用を世界規模で推進しています。マレーシア国家イノベーション局のAIMは、イノベーションアジェンダと国家バイオマス戦略を推進する部局です。
バイオマス・ペレット・トレード&パワーでは、各国の重要専門家として、それぞれ日本と韓国のバイオマス市場を追究しているペレットクラブ事務局長の小島健一郎氏、忠北大学校の韓 奎成(Gyu-Seong Han)教授がプレゼンテーションを行います。世界規模のバイオマス市場となっている欧州がけん引する市場は拡大する見通しで、アジアでは木質ペレットやパームペレット、農業残渣の需要が伸びています。欧州一流のバイオマス取引業者と発電企業が市場とオペレーショナルインサイトについて語ります。EDF Trading MarketsのNicholas Tsirigotis氏が世界における木質ペレットの供給と取引状況について、イェンス・プリス・ウォルフ氏がドン・エナジーで在来型石炭火力を木質ペレット火力に転換した経験について説明します。
バイオコールについては、Pöyryのグローバル・バイオフューチャー・プラクティス担当ディレクターで、白書「バイオコールはアジアの市場を一変させるバイオエネルギーか」(Biocoal – Bioenergy Game Changer in Asia?)を執筆したAndreas Teirが、アジアのバイオコール市場の可能性について、さらに深い分析を提供します。
マレーシア、カナダ、米国、ロシアにおける木質ペレットやパームペレットの供給、持続可能性、農業残渣、協働、バイオマス市場について、Ekman & Co AB、Eco-Frontier、Indufor Asia Pacific、Global Green Synergy Sdn. Bhd.、The National Bioenergy Union(ロシア)、Firefly ABなどが情報を提供します。
Centre for Management Technology
Hafizah Adam, +65 6346 9218
28 Jun, 2013
In conjunction with CMT’s Biomass Pellets Trade & Power, Pöyry has released an exclusive white paper focusing on the market potentials of biocoal in Asia Pacific.
Energy sector worldwide is looking at reducing fossil fuel consumption and sourcing for sustainable alternatives in renewable energy sources. Apart from wood pellets and agricultural residues, biocoal has also garnered increasing attention with its energy potential and characteristics that are similar to coal.
As North East Asia steps up its game in renewable energy sources, especially in Japan and South Korea where the advocacy is aligned with national energy policies, biocoal’s market potential is expected to surge.
Written by Pöyry’s Global BioFutures Practice’s Director, Andreas Teir, and bioenergy expert and consultant, Rickard Frithiof, the Biocoal – Bioenergy Game Changer in Asia white paper outlines the market potential of the global pellet market, forecasted to reach 60 million tonnes by 2020, as well as insights and analysis of biocoal’s growing market and potential in Asia Pacific.
More insights on biocoal growth opportunities, technology, production costs and the Asian markets are available in this exclusive release! Simply fill up the form below to obtain a complimentary copy of the white paper.
A participating partner of CMT’s Biomass Pellets Trade & Power in Seoul on September 9-12, 2013, Pöyry leaders will also be speaking and networking at the industry event. More event details available here>>>
Registration is now open! Secure your seat today by registering here or through Ms. Hafizah at or Tel. +65 6346 9218.
07 Jun, 2013
The market for wood pellets no longer revolves around the European nations. The promising Asian markets continue to rise, with three nations, namely Japan, South Korea and China, leading the race in the use of woody biomass to charge up the nation’s energy output from renewable sources.
Looking beyond national policies and mandates on renewable energy sources and reduction in carbon emissions, wood pellets play vital roles in domestic energy source and industrial use. However, given each country’s different dynamics, market opportunities vary. Although China’s market structure remains ambiguous, market researchers find Japan’s and South Korea’s to be inclined towards one that is by-invitation.
CMT’s Biomass Pellets Trade & Power in Seoul, September 9-12, 2013 serves as an assessment and discussion ground on Asia’s wood pellets & biomass market, with high participation from local biomass trade players. Examining beyond market dynamics and policies, distinguished international players at the trade summit will look into SEA’S prospective agricultural biomass supply as well as industry technology and developments.
For more information on the Biomass Pellets Trade & Power, an updates and global buyers-suppliers meet, contact Ms. Hafizah at or Tel. 6346 9218.
Read more: Asian Markets for Wood Pellets
27 May, 2013
Nippon Paper Industries has announced plans for a new biomass power generation project. The facilities will be constructed at Japan’s Yatsushiro Mill and slated to start operations by March 2015. Using only 100% unused woody materials, this new development is expected to generate a power output of 5,000kW.
The exclusive use of 100% unused woody materials leverages on Nippon Paper Group’s network, allowing it to fully utilize the feed-in tariff system. Also, this move will significantly expand the use of forest materials, aligning the group with the national Forest and Forestry Industries Revitalization Plan that aims to achieve 50% self-sufficiency in terms of woody material.
Nippon Paper Industries will also be transforming its business structure into that of a biomass company, tapping on and integrating its strengths in paper manufacturing, power generation, forest operations and quality woodchip production.
International powerhouses and decision makers from Japan, South Korea and China are poised to participate in the annual industry meet, Biomass Pellets Trade & Power, in Seoul on September 9-10, 2013, for a more in-depth look into Asia’s biomass demand and renewable energy policies.
More details on the summit are available on the Event Page. Alternatively, please contact Ms. Hafizah at +65 6346 9218 or for more information.
Read more:
25 Apr, 2013