4th Algae World Asia | 15-16 Nov, 2011 - Beijing |
I am excited to present you with more updates on the 4th Algae World Asia conference to be held in Beijing this 15-16 Nov, 2011. As the subject suggests, we'll spotlight on China so that you'll benefit as our invited panelists discuss China's:
Two specific China sessions to look out for are:
PLUS, to top it off, on the second day of the conference we'll take you on an exclusive site visit to ENN International Algae Facility in Langfang, an hour's drive from Beijing. During this trip, you'll observe:
The above outing is pre-arranged exclusively for 4th Algae World Asia participants! So don't miss out on being among the privileged to tour this unique integrated facility! Don't wait any further - REGISTER NOW to secure your seat. Yours Sincerely, |
Centre for Management Technology, 80 Marine Parade Road, #13-02 Parkway Parade, Singapore 449269 |