"New Wave of Opportunities and Investments"

Dear Sir/Madam,

Reserve 22-23 October 2007 to participate in CMT's Philippines Energy Summit in Manila. Supported by the Philippines National Oil Company, this inaugural event is expected to attract international key players as well as local Oil, Gas, Coal, Refining, Power (Hydro, Solar, Biomass) and related industries, offering excellent opportunities for corporate networking, benchmarking, potential business collaboration as well as publicity and reputation enhancement.

Key Highlights:
• Latest updates on Oil & Gas exploration and drilling
• Gas distributions and plans in Pipelines
• Sustainability and competitiveness of Coal in Philippines
• Project viability and outlook of alternative energy: Geothermal, Hydro, Wind, Solar, Biomass
• Plans and directions in boosting Power supply
• Perspective of energy investors on Philippines’ opportunities & challenges

Program topics and speakers are being finalized now but in the meantime please click on: ENQUIRY AND PRE-REGISTRATION button if you wish to reserve your seat(s) NOW or receive printed brochure once available.

Wishing you a nice day!

Best regards,
Injleep Kaur
Event Executive

CMT - Centre for Management Technology
80 Marine Parade Road
#13-02 Parkway Parade
Singapore 449269
Tel: (65) 6346 9113
Fax: (65) 6345 5928

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