CMT is pleased to invite you to our upcoming Dubai Wood Trade Summit Conference on 4-5 Feb 2008

This Premier is designed to provide an update and vital information to enable you to profit from the infrastructure & construction boom in the Middle East.

Some of the Highlights are:
• Market pricing and trading outlook for hardwood and softwood
• Middle East’s booming construction sector and its demand on wood & other building materials
• Regulatory control on building materials usage in the Middle East
• Wood producers’ perspectives – on export markets, production and environmental challenges
• Technological advances & innovation is wood products/applications

Pre-register your interest to receive latest updates and final brochure for this event.

For enquiries, please contact me at 65 6346 9147 or email:

Wishing you a great day ahead & looking forward to hear from you soon.

Thanks and Regards
Grace Oh
Marketing Manager
Tel: 65 6346 9147

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