Examining Indonesia’s strategies towards renewing and revitalizing her Energy Sector

Can you really afford to miss the must-attend Indonesia OGP event of 2008?

Riding on the laurels of Indonesia OGP 2007, 2nd Indonesian OGP will present you with all the latest updates and information on Indonesia’s energy sector that is currently going through a very energetic revival.

2nd Indonesian OGP is the conference to attend for strategy realization and optimization of your Investments in Indonesia’s Energy sector.

WHY Attend 2nd Indonesian OGP?
Hear from BPMigas on the latest PSC guidelines.
Obtain information about the new components and amendments in cost recovery assessment and the government audit structure.
Explore the challenges facing the Natural Gas markets and upcoming alternatives like Coal Bed Methane.
Analyze the reviewed Electricity Law, and its impact on IPP investments.
Examine trends in deepwater projects in terms of risks and rewards.
Pinpoint the role of CDM in the Oil Gas and Power sector of Indonesia.
Evaluate the supply and demand dynamics of LPG Petrochemical markets
Sift through the demand dynamics of the Indonesian petrochemical Industry.
Delve into the workings of Indonesia’s Tuban Petrochemical complex.
Appraise the project report on Indonesia’s longest transmission trunkline and its throughput.
Investigate emerging issues in Indonesia’s refinery projects, demand for refined products and integration of new refining technologies.
Uncover new revenue streams as BPMigas shares on the liberalization of the retail fuel markets of Indonesia

2nd Indonesian OGP will be your opportunity to network with top executives from major Oil, Gas and Power companies, Upstream and Downstream business directors, Government and Regulatory officials, EPC companies, Energy Consultants, Additives and Catalyst Companies, Financiers and Bankers.

Mark your calendar for the 2nd Indonesian OGP in 2008 and be empowered with information on the latest happenings in Indonesia’s oil, gas and power industry.

Come to Jakarta on 24-25 February 2008 and be a part of this exciting event!

Please click on the link provided to REGISTER for 2nd Indo OGP today:

Register for 2nd Indonesian OGP

For enquiries, please call Divya at +65 6346 9140
Fax your completed registration to us at +65 6345 5928
E-mail me at divya@cmtsp.com.sg

Forthcoming 2008 Events:

23 - 24 Jan
28 - 29 Jan
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