Dear Executive,

CTLtec Asia 2008, 4-5 March, Beijing, promises to be the prime place for interactive exchanges about CTL's strategic, environmental, technological and economic challenges!

This 5th Forum on Clean Coal/Gasification/Liquefaction Projects & Tech brings you the latest projects’ update and technological breakthroughs that can help you maximize and monetize on feedstock economies.

Hear the very latest updates on technological and the key major projects
from high-profile speakers of industry leaders include:


Sasol Synfuels International

Rentech Inc.

China Shenhua Coal Liquefaction Corp

Altona Resources

Synfuels China, Institute of Coal Chemistry

CIC Energy

Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources, Indonesia

US-China Energy Center, West Virginia University

Shenhua Baotou Coal Chemical Co

Alstom Power

Beijing Coal Chemical Research Institute

Haldor Topsoe

Sojitz Corp

Johnson Matthey


Rothschild (London)

Veolia Water


Key topics to be covered include:

Asia’s coal demand/supply outlook & impact arising from new coal technologies

Regulatory framework and long terms plans for China's coal conversion sector

Coal gasification & CTL project development in India, Australia & Indonesia

Feasibility study & production potential of Coal Gasification plant in Botswana

Fundamental studies & advanced technologies for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts

Downstream gasification process & integration with IGCC power reduction

Options to monetize low rank coals in Asia

Coal to Olefins, Coal to Methanol & Coal to DME projects


Impact of CO2 constraint on CTL/Gasification & mitigations options to enable effective carbon capture



We look forward to welcoming you and your colleagues to The Regent Beijing Hotel on the 4th-5th March 2008 for a superb event!

Yours sincerely

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Linh Huynh (Ms.)


Event Marketing Executive


Tel: 65 6346 9218


Fax: 65 6345 5928




Forthcoming events:

JatrophaWorld 2008 (23-24 January 2008, Jakarta, Indonesia)

Global Coal Methane Energy Summit (28-29 January, 2008, Singapore)

7th GTLtec 2008 (18-19 February, 2008, Doha, Qatar)

2nd Indo OGP (27-28 February, 2008, Jakarta, Indonesia)