2nd Stainless / Special Steel Trade Summit
22-23 April 2008 Dubai

Global Stainless Steel output in 2008 will rise by 8.6 percent compared with 2007.
Last year, the global stainless steel industry went through a phase of significant production
cuts and this had an equally significant effect in the global nickel market as it shifted
from deficit to surplus (CRU group)

We are only about a month away from the 2nd Stainless/ Special Steel Trade Summit 22 -23 April 2008 in Dubai. Be part of this gathering and Register with your team today, to get the latest update of the stainless steel regional market outlook and its impact on the global trade.

Below is a selection of companies who are attending
Acciai Vender Acerionx SA CRU analysis Viraj profiles Attieh steel Al Fozan Steel
Jindal Stainless Alkhorayef Industries Co Baoshan iron and steel BHP billion marketing
Protech Enterprises Bohler Schweisstechnik Chen Yuen special metal China Steel
China Steel Global Stemcor MMC Norilsk Nickel Corus Dynamic Materials Corporation
Donal McArthy Dylan Emirate steel Global Stainless Steel Gulf organization Hidayath steel
Ispat Industries Italinox MCB group metal one stainless steel Hi-Met Metal & Minerals
Mohammad Jalal and son Nova engineering Outokumpu Stainless Saudi Industries export
Stena recycling Valbruna Gulf Walzwerke Einsal GmbH Yieh United Steel
people Steel and many more ….

If you need any additional information about the conference do feel free to contact me at email: grace@cmtsp.com.sg and Tel: 65 63469147

Wishing you a nice day and looking forward to hear from you soon

Thanks and Regards

Grace Oh
Marketing Manager
Centre for Management Technology (CMT)
Tel: 65 63469147

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