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Setting Up Successful Jatropha Projects

30 September 2008

Dear Executive

I’d like to alert you to our F*R*E*E one-hour Webcast, "Setting up Successful Jatropha Projects” which will be held on 30 September at 9am EST (US), 3pm CET (Central Europe), 6.30pm IST (India), 9pm SST (Singapore)

In line with JATROPHAWORLD HAMBURG 2008's commitment of outlining the Industry’s best practices for your Jatropha project development; we have decided to open the lines for dialogue between YOU and key Jatropha Experts!

"Setting up Successful Jatropha Projects” will be chaired by DR. R. RAJAGOPAL, author of the position paper “Best Practices for Long Term Jatropha Development”, and features Mr. Thilo Zelt, one of the Authors of GEXSI’s Global Market Study on Jatropha and Mr. Jamey Hadden, Director of Strategic Development at GreenEnergy Ltd, two leading Jatropha authorities in the world sharing at JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008.

This exciting 1 hour session is for you to listen in, CLARIFY YOUR DOUBTS and CONTRIBUTE YOUR VIEWS. Gain KEY INSIGHTS into the INDUSTRY’S BEST PRACTICES as our Expert Panelists debate and discuss the criteria for setting up a successful and sustainable JATROPHA PROJECT.

Take an active role & have YOUR doubts cleared on the following critical issues:

How can Jatropha be grown in a sustainable way?

Which is the better approach- Collective farming or Large Scale Jatropha projects?

What are the key factors in deciding what strategies to be adopted by new Jatropha project


What are the current risks & barriers to Jatropha investments?

...Plus Many More Issues...

Register today for the Jatropha WEBINAR at NO COST. Gain insight from experts on Critical Issues

Be a part of this informative webinar, which will allow you to see firsthand, the high level of expertise and information that JATROPHAWORLD HAMBURG 2008 will have in store for you.

Don’t forget to register at http://www.futureenergyevents.com/jatropha/webcastH/index

I look forward to hearing from you at our Webinar!

Yours Sincerely,

Divya Sangam
Event Marketing Executive
CMT-Center for Management Technology
DID:  +65 6346 9140 

PS: IF you haven’t already confirmed your participation at JatrophaWorld Hamburg 2008, do so now and join participants from over 45 countries who have already confirmed their participation at this critical event.

Visit http://www.futureenergyevents.com/jatropha/attend/register-for-jatrophaworld/ to register with your team right away!

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