Dear [name],
This is just a quick note to remind you that the 7th World SugarTrade conference convenes on 29-30 September 2009 in Singapore. Have you marked the dates already?
You are in for quite a treat if you’re planning to attend this exciting symposium because the 7th World SugarTrade’s “Sugar Fundamentals” focus will provide you with up to the minute updates on key sugar market fundamentals.
The sessions will address 2009’s most relevant question, “Will Sugar Fundamentals remain in their current bullish trend?”
A significant drop in India's sugar production coupled with lower crop outputs in EU, China, Thailand, Australia and Pakistan has contributed to a widening global deficit- the largest in 4 years, setting the scene for the bullish trend
We are excited to announce that one of the region’s most influential Sugar Market analysts, Oscar Tjakra from Rabobank International will share on the potential bull market for sugar. Mr. Tjakra will be providing an update on “Sugar Market Fundamentals” at the conference. His speech will touch on:
- Global supply and demand balance,
- Prices and global fundamentals
- Factors driving sugar prices & trade
- Impact of the credit crunch on global sugar markets
- Role of sugar in overall economic environment
- Role of oil prices in sugar markets
However, that is not all that we have in store for our “Sugar Fundamentals” focus. You will also get to hear Cargill Risk Management’s Eduardo Gebara address Commodity Price Risk Management and HSBC’s Prakriti Sofat touch on the Economic Outlook for Global Trade.
[name], you do not want to miss this opportunity to question these experts about the most important issues shaping the future of the sugar industry. By attending this 2-day conference, you get these exciting opportunities and more!
>>Click HERE<< to see what else is in store for 7th World SugarTrade.
On that note, you will also want to confirm your attendance immediately as available seats are filling up fast.
We look forward to meeting you in Singapore at 7th World SugarTrade!
Yours sincerely,
Ms Jaime Ng
Marketing Manager
Centre for Management Technology
DID: +65 6346 9145
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