Explore Financing options & opportunities for your projects at Asia Coal Power
Dear [name],
Project Financing just got harder with the credit squeeze and global economic slowdown. And if you are exploring options & opportunities in financing you need to attend Asia Coal Power for a detailed look at the financing environment.
Why? Because Taishi Sato, Deputy Divison Chief at JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation) is sharing a valuable update on “Financing a Bankable Power Project in Indonesia”, offering perspectives on how power projects can align themselves to secure financing in the current environment.
You also don’t want to miss the important topic that explores the “State of the Financing Market” covering:
• Financing options available for coal mining and/or power projects
• Fundamentals of financing in a credit squeeze and volatile environment
• Environmental principals and criteria to secure lending
[name], imagine the benefit for your own business, if you could get answers on how you can align and strategise to secure more financing in today’s tight credit environment…
On that note, you should confirm your attendance immediately as available seats are filling up fast.
>>Click here to sign up<<
I look forward to meeting you in Jakarta.
Yours Sincerely,
Lee Lin (Ms)
Marketing Executive
Centre for Management Technology
80 Marine Parade Road #13-02 Singapore 449269
Tel: (+65) 6346 9146
Fax: (+65) 63455928
Email: leelin@cmtsp.com.sg |
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