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MEMR will share Latest Regulatory outlook for Upstream & Downstream Oil &
Gas investment in Indonesia

Dear [name],

Attend the 3rd IndoOGP Summit (Oil, Gas, Downstream Petroleum Products) conference to get essential updates on “Speeding up Growth in Energy Production” in Indonesia from 3 senior representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR)

On the 14-15 April 2010 in Jakarta, you will hear Dr. Ing. Evita Legowo, Director General Oil & Gas at MEMR share an important update on Indonesia’s Oil & Gas Outlook. Ibu Evita has an ambitious vision for Indonesia, and recently said in an interview with Wall Street Journal that Indonesia could rejoin the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries if its oil production were to exceed consumption again.

You will also get to hear from Ir. A Edy Hermantoro, Director of Oil & Gas Upstream Business Development as he discusses the “Regulatory Outlook in Attracting Investments in Upstream Oil & Gas (Including CBM)” and delves into issues like:

  • Measures to increase production
  • Fiscal policies in support of investments
  • New regulation on CBM project development
  • Using CBM to meet increasing power demand

The third senior MEMR official presenting an update on the “Regulatory Framework to attract foreign ventures and local co-ops to expand Indonesia’s refining capacity” is Ir. Saryono Hadiwidjoyo, Director of Oil & Gas Downstream Business Development. Mr. Saryono will touch on:

  • Deregulating the current industry platform
  • Pricing Policy
  • Domestic petroleum products demand and imports requirement/outlook
  • National wide distribution obligation
  • Tax/Fiscal incentives to attract the foreign investor, etc.

You can confirm your seats for the conference now via our online form. Click the “register” button below to access.

Look forward to receiving your registrations for 3rd Indo OGP.

Yours Sincerely,

Fu Huiyan
Event Manager
CMT- Centre For Management Technology

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