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The 3rd Algae World Asia’s program agenda is launched! Download your copy today!

Aptly focussed on algae commercialisation for food, feed, freshwater, fresh air and fuel, CMT’s 3rd Algae World Asia is all geared up to continue delivering wide range of topics spanning 5 main themes: Algae Cultivation, Carbon Capture, Wastewater Treatment, Bio-Energy and Technology Developments in Asia Pacific.

Here’s a glimpse of a few of our speakers

  • Daesang Corporaition …shares experience of algae production for nutraceuticals and feeds applications
  • St Marys Cement Inc …case study of growing algae from stack gas emissions at a cement plant
  • National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA) success story of world's first large-scale wastewater treatment algal production system.
  • MBD Energy Ltd … carbon capture and recycling expert, has pilot CCR project with major coal-fired power plants in Australia.           
  • Biolsystems Co Ltd …spearheaded bio-ethanol production project in Philippines using red macroalgae
  • Aurora Algae Pty Ltd & OriginOil….algae biofuel frontrunners from USA on technological breakthroughs they achieved….and more! Read more about our speakers’ profiles

If you’d like to meet algae producers, algae biofuel developers, manufacturers of equipment for algae harvesting and processing, industrial companies in need of biofuel, carbon abatement and waste water treatment solution, research institutions, investors, or algae product purchasers, then 3rd Algae World Asia is THE event you should attend.

Do not delay, submit online registration now to avoid last minute rush before the seats are sold out!

See you in Singapore!

Warmest Regards,

Lee Lin, TAN (Ms)
Marketing Division
CMT - Centre for Management Technology
DID: (+65) 63469146 | Fax: (+65) 63455928

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