click to unsubscribe Jatropha to serve biodiesel refining and the airline industry. Networking Reception hosted by International Air Transport Association (IATA) commented at its annual general meeting that the global airline industry is on track to make a profit of $2.5 billion this year after 10 years of cumulative loss amounting to $47 billion. IATA also calls for biofuels production from Jatropha or other sustainable feedstocks to replace jet fuel made from oil, which has the potential to reduce the industry's carbon footprint by 80%. Neste Oil announced that the construction ofits new NExBTL renewable diesel plant atTuas in Singapore, is 90% completed and willbe ready for operations by the end of theyear. This €550 million plant will be thelargest in the world with an annual capacityof800,000 metric tons. The new plant inSingapore will be using palm oil and itsderivativesas feedstock for the time being,other feedstocks being explored includeJatropha, algaeand microbes. If you wish to capitalise on the End-Users' Perspectives on the Jatropha Value Chain, attend JatrophaWorld 2010 on 6 - 7 October 2010 in Rotterdam. Be there and you'll gather valuable information about the Jatropha industry and end-user's activities plus first hand-information on:
>>CLICK HERE<< to view the complete agenda & find out what else we have lined up at JatrophaWorld 2010. You will also want to confirm your attendance immediately as seats are filling up fast. Click on the 'register' button below to visit our online registration page. In the mean time, stay tuned as we share some more highlights on the agenda at the JatrophaWorld 2010!