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03-05 Oct, 2023
Prague, HYBRID

Grandium Hotel Prague


03 October 2023

04 October 2023

05 October 2023

08:00 – 13:15h 


2nd EU Sustainable Plant Protein & Fermentation Solutions

09:00 – 12:40h 


2nd EU Sustainable Plant Protein & Fermentation Solutions


6th EU Starch Value Chain

08:00 – 15:45h 


Site Visit to
Lyckeby Amylex Starch & Dextrin Processing Facility



14:10 – 17:05h 


2nd EU Sustainable Plant Protein & Fermentation Solutions


6th EU Starch Value Chain

14:00 – 17:15h 


6th EU Starch Value Chain


Starch industry navigating market structural changes & unpredictability. What next ?


The EU starch industry is facing an immense challenge of historically high raw material costs. From Black Sea Grain deal fallout, drought, supply chain crisis to high energy costs how is the industry navigating the perfect storm ?

High prices on wheat and corn, compounded even further now by the fallout of the Black Sea grain deal could see farmers shifting crops, challenging the supply of starch on the global market.

In late 2023, the European Commission’s proposal for a legislative framework on sustainable food systems will be published and this will impact the starch supply chain. From farming to plate EU farmers and primary food processors, like starch producers will have to invest in the necessary tools to help them achieve the sustainability and decarbonisation targets which have been set.

Indeed the starch sector is present in many aspects -from delivering high quality  ingredients for the plant -based proteins markets to contributing renewable resources to EU’s adoption of a bioeconomy strategy, EU starch producers including farmers & food processors can make a significant impact !

Gather at this 6th EU Starch Value Chain meeting in Prague and share, discuss issues of crucial importance facing the industry today.

  • New challenges for EU starch industry & outlook

  • Emerging cost competitiveness in inflationary times and its impact on the EU industry

  • Taking plant protein to another level – Fungi/ Mycelium based protein through fermentation process

  • Extracting high value added protein from potatoes

  • Clean label citrus & apple fibre for texturizing plant based products

  • Panel Discussion: Advancing to a sustainable food system – what can starch & plant based sector bring to the table ?

  • Upcycling of wheat milling by-products: food, nutrition, functionality

  • Elevating the protein transition with tasty sustainable plant based alternatives

  • Valorising agri side streams and turning them into functional plant-based proteins and other high-value ingredients

  • Regenerative farming for carbon negative goals

  • Biodegradable packaging from wheat bran

  • E-number free starches

  • Future direction of the EU ethanol industry 

  • Developing high purity tagatose from low cost, plant based starch

Hurry up and register!
Add on your ticket to a site visit to Lyckeby Amylex on the 5th of October! and /or another half day session before the conference on Plant Protein. Email for more information.

Separately Bookable Site Visit

5th October 2023 - Separately Bookable Site Visit to   

Lyckeby Amylex Starch & Dextrin Processing Facility


LYCKEBY AMYLEX, as is the largest producer of potato starch in the Czech Republic. A substantial part of the produced potato starch is further processed into dextrins and modified starches for the paper industry.

In LYCKEBY AMYLEX, there is an excellent connection of Swedish know-how and experience with Czech diligence and art. The company produces high-quality products: potato starch, dextrins and other modified starches.


08:00  Depart from Grandium Hotel Prague
10:15 Arrive Lyckeby Amylex followed with a brief introduction
10:45 Tour for 1.5 hours
12:15 Leave Lyckeby Amylex
12:30 - 13:30  Lunch followed by drive back to Grandium Hotel Prague
15:45 Arrive Grandium Hotel Prague


The conference will share some sessions with 2nd EU Sustainable Plant Protein & Fermentation Solutions conference which will take place on 3 - 4 Oct 2023.

More details of that conference can be viewed here:


Be a Sponsor or Exhibitor!

This event is an excellent platform to promote your organization to influential players and investors in the industry. Sponsorship opportunities available include Corporate, Exclusive luncheon & Cocktail sponsor.

Exhibition / catalogue display can be arranged upon request. Contact