11th Asia Cementrade,

23-24 Mar, 2009 - Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA

Hotel Istana Kuala Lumpur

PLEASE CLICK HERE to view upcoming event. Information here is outdated

How Deep is the Crisis and How Fast is Recovery?


Asia: Surviving the Global Slowdown?


Will Asia's successful cement sector bounce back faster than expected? Despite slower growth in the private sector, the cement industry is being stimulated by regional governments initiatives and investments into infrastructure construction and public works.


China has allocated 4 trillion Yuan out of which considerable portion of the investment will go into railway construction and welfare housing. (Source: China Cement)


Vietnam plans to develop the building industry and targets to satisfy both domestic consumption and export demands in terms of quantity, quality & selection of basic construction materials (Source: Vietnam News)


CMT's CemenTrade Asia 09 brings together top panel of experts to help empower you with market dynamics & strategy. Organised for the 11th consecutive year, this conference focuses on pertinent issues during current volatile times!


Don't miss this opportunity to network amongst major cement and concrete producers, traders, construction companies and various entities of the supply chain. Register online now at www.cmtevents.com or send in your enquiry to emily@cmtsp.com.sg


What's New at 11th CemenTrade Asia:


- From global producer's strategy to trade flow, listen to expert analysis on how the industry will position to ride out the storm

- Snapshot of ASEAN markets - where are the growth spots and what's driving its strength?

- Will China continue to meet global demand - supply gap despite increased expectation in domestic demand

- Will the new US government's policies to boost infrastructure help hike cement demand? Also what are the repercussions of the Caribbean markets slowing down?

- If you're a cement trader or looking to export, ascertain the changes to trade financing scheme and export credits

- Holcim shares its vision on sustainable construction and concrete

- Are major projects in the GCC drying up or will it remain on schedule? Learn the latest on demand, expansion & potential exports into the GCC

- What's the impact on export trade and logistics challenges amid lower freight rates?

- Indonesia's coal outlook and how the cement industry will drive the regional coal markets

- Will India continue to buy from Pakistan to meet demand or will the dynamics change as new capacity come on stream? Saurashtra Cement explores the challenges lying ahead for Asia's 2nd largest economy


And more!! So register now with your team and enjoy a discounted fee for a group of 3 or more!


You will network with
- Chairman/MD/President - Senior VP/Vice President
- Marketing/Business Development/Sales Director/Manager
- Market Intelligence/Strategy Manager - Export/Trading Manager
- Technical/Operation Manager - Outbound Logistics/Sourcing executive from
Regional cement and building materials/ready-mixed concrete (RMC) companies,
coal/slag/fly ash/steel suppliers, engineering, equipment and technology companies
and bulk/cement carriers, building and construction analysts,
project financiers and banks.

Industry News


Indonesia, the world's top thermal coal exporter, will raise the amount miners need to set aside for domestic use this year to nearly a third of output to ensure local demand is fully met, an official said on Thursday.


Producers must allocate 68.3 million tonnes of coal for domestic use in 2009, the ministry official said, compared with 46 million tonnes last year, or about a quarter of output.


The volume was in line with expectations and was not expected to disrupt exports, with coal production seen beating forecasts and with slow progress in a crash government programme to build more coal-fired power stations, industry players said.


The ministry is in the process of drafting new government regulations for domestic market obligations that will be based on annual demand from domestic users, he said.


The decree on the domestic market obligation is part of Indonesia's moves to ensure sufficient supplies for local users and to strengthen existing rules on setting aside coal.


An industry official said he did not expect domestic demand this year to be as high as forecast because of signs of slow progress in a government programme to add 10,000 MW of coal-fired power plants, amid financing and construction problems.


"Exports will not be disrupted because we may be able to produce up to 250 million tonnes this year," Supriatna Suhala, Executive Director of the Indonesian Coal Mining Association, a body representing more than 50 of Indonesia's top producers.


The allocation for this year appears in line with a figure of about 28 percent production mentioned by an official at the enegy ministry last year.


Bambang Gatot Ariyono, Director of mineral and coal enterprises at the energy and mining ministry, said on Nov. 26 that the new rules would apply to producers holding coal contracts of work.


Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/rbssEnergyNews/idUSSP2413120090212?sp=true, 12/02/2009, Jakarta – Indonesia


For more information on Indonesia’s coal outlook, join Mr. Supriatna Suhala, Executive Director of Indonesian Coal Mining Association as he presents his paper at the 11th Asia CemenTrade on;

Coal Outlook

  • Availability, production, export & domestic use developments
  • Cement industry as regional market drivers
  • How will the new Mining Law (Mineral & Coal) impact coal trade
  • Opportunities & challenges

24 Feb, 2009


The Ministry of Construction has asked cement producers nationwide to seek export markets as their combined output is forecast to be sufficient for the local demand in 2009 and even 5-7 million tonnes higher than the demand in the following years.

In another move, the ministry worked out a number of measures to stimulate the consumption of the product in the domestic market, including building and upgrading roads, especially expressways, and stepping up production of unbaked construction materials.

It is estimated that the country's total cement output will reach between 45-46 million tonnes next year when 18 new plants, with a combined capacity of almost 20.5 million tonnes, become operational.

The year 2009 is expected to mark the first time that local cement producers ensure a sufficient supply for the domestic needs, bringing an end to the supply-demand imbalance.

However, the Ministry of Construction has warned of a possible cement shortage in some southern areas as most of the plants are located in the north while the demand is usually higher in the south.

Statistics collected over the past five years indicate the southern localities have consumed 38-40 percent of the nation's total cement output.

To deal with this issue, the ministry requested northern cement plants to map out plans to supply clinker for southern companies in order to limit the import of the material from regional countries. It also encouraged the supply of cement to the southern market to help stabilise prices.

In addition, the ministry proposed the government adjust electricity and coal prices for the cement industry and permit it to set up a fund to support export activities while seeking new markets.

Source: http://www.vnagency.com.vn/Home/EN/tabid/119/itemid/279846/Default.aspx , VNA, 24th December 2008


For more information on Vietnam cement & building industry, join Mr Vo Quang Diem, Deputy Director of Building Materials Dept, Ministry of Construction as he touches on the topic:


Vietnam's Plan to Boost the Cement & Building Industry
- Competitiveness of building materials sector & targeting export markets
- Demand for cement & building materials to meet domestic consumption (housing, infrastructure, etc)

16 Feb, 2009


National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) published the report on the performance of main industries in 2008 on Tuesday, which depicted that China produced 1.39 billion tons of cement in the year of 2008, 5.2 pct higher than that in 2007. While the output growth ratio was 8.3 pct lower than that of last year.


The average factory price of key enterprises in August reached the record high of 310 yuan per ton, while it fell back to 302 yuan per ton in December, up 12 yuan year on year.


At the end of December, the inventory of key cement enterprises was 9.33 million tons, 11.1 higher than that in the corresponding period of last year. From January to November, China cement industry gained profit of 26.1 billion yuan, up 30.8% year on year.


Source: http://www.cementchina.net/news/shownews.asp?id=5089 4/2/2009


Article Compliments of Cement China Net, Media Partner of 11th Asia CemenTrade;



10 Feb, 2009


The Ministry of Construction (MoC) has proposed the prime minister to add four cement projects to Vietnam Cement Industry Development Plan until 2010, a vision to 2020.


All the four cement projects are set to have a capacity of 2,500 tons of clinker per day each.


Source: http://vibforum.vcci.com.vn/news_detail.asp?news_id=15177 9/1/2009, Location: Vietnam


For more information on Vietnam’s cement projects, hear from Dr. Vo Quang Diem, Deputy Director - Building Materials Department of Ministry of Construction, as he presents his paper on;


Vietnam’s Plan to Boost the Cement & Building Industry

·        Competitiveness of the building materials sector & targeting export markets

·        Demand for cement & building materials to meet domestic consumption (housing, infrastructure, etc.)


29 Jan, 2009


although Malaysia's major construction material costs have come down recently, analysts are mixed on the outlook for the price of cement this year.


An analyst said that theoretically, the cement price in 2009 should increase given that the prices of coal and electricity, which are vital for cement production, would be higher than last year.


"But we expect cement price to remain the same this year, as the global economic uncertainty and external factors were pressuring the local manufacturers from increasing the price," she tells StarBizWeek.


However, another analyst from a multinational firm predicted otherwise. He opines that cement price will fall because its raw material costs had come down. He says the price has not declined like other products because the cement industry is more localised and, therefore, domestic manufacturers have more control.


Source: http://www.cementchina.net/news/shownews.asp?id=5047, 12th January 2009


At this current global economic downturn, it’s crucial to realise how deep the market crisis is and assess if the recovery will be fast or slow. Such information, are useful tools companies can use to improve their business position & ride out the storm.


CMT’s 11th Asia cemenTrade 23-24 March 2009 in Kuala Lumpur will examine the market dynamics & strategy during current volatile times. It also aims to discuss on the opportunities and challenges, focusing on China, SE Asia, India and the GCC region.


For more information about the conference, click here.


29 Jan, 2009


China's 4-trillion yuan economic stimulus package could not come at a better time for multinational companies struggling to cope with slumping business on their home turf.


The massive spending plan, announced in early November by the State Council, China's Cabinet, is particularly significant for companies involved in construction-related business such as cement plants and construction equipment makers, as a considerable portion of the investment will go into infrastructure projects.


Source: http://www.cementchina.net/news/shownews.asp?id=5017, 5th January 2009


For more information on China’s economy stimulus package, hear from Professor Cui Yuan Sheng, Vice President of Institute of Tech Info for Building Materials Industry of China as he presents his paper on:


China: Surviving the Storm amid Global Slowdown

- Economy stimulus package for infrastructure construction projects – how will it boost the cement industry?

- Export capacity and markets outlook in 2009

- Cement & building materials price movement and forecasts


29 Jan, 2009