OWP Japan, Offshore Wind Power Japan

Offshore Wind Power Japan

15-17 May, 2019 - Tokyo, JAPAN

Tokyo Marriott Hotel

PLEASE CLICK HERE to view upcoming event. Information here is outdated



"Japan's offshore wind farm market is set to gain momentum, with legal safeguards and subsidies helping to draw domestic and international participants amid a shift away from fossil fuels.”
Nikkei Asian Review, Feb 2019

Japan is set to develop renewables as a core energy portfolio. With the rise of sustainable investing in alternative energy and post-Fukushima nuclear disaster, the bill was passed last November allowing offshore wind farms to operate in Japan for up to 30 years.

Is your company joining the other domestic and international companies who are engaged in Japan’s offshore wind power including

  • Orix will spend 100 billion yen ($903 million) to build an offshore wind farm in Chiba Prefecture.
  • Tepco will enter the domestic offshore wind power market as well through a partnership with Denmark's Orsted
  • Germany's E.ON is also planning to partner Japanese power providers to build both onshore and offshore wind farms. 
  • With the purchase of British wind farm installer Seajacks International in 2012, Marubeni has started feasibility testing and developing competency to build and operate offshore wind farms.
  • The joint venture between Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Denmark's Vestas is developing a 10-MW wind turbine for the Japanese market.

Offshore wind farms are still extremely scarce in Japan. This presents as attractive option for the government to promote long-term growth and new earning streams for the private sector.

Japan is mostly surrounded by deep seabeds, and floating wind turbines and technology seems to be viable but relatively costly option. Whilst Europe leads globally in projects and capacity, wind energy generation cost is almost levelling with coal-fired power in some parts of the continent. Can these case studies and experiences be transferred to Asia, and particularly Japan? 

CMT's OWP Japan zooms into the opportunities and key tasks ahead for offshore wind power to grow in Japan.  Contact hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg for more information & sign-ups!



What to expect at CMT's OWP Japan 2019
  • 10+ hours of engaging presentations and discussion with key stakeholders and experts, on the shaping of offshore wind development and capacity growth in Japan
  • Vital current issues in competency and supply chain development, security grid capacity, cost reduction strategies, financing, and etc.
  • Network with international wind energy leaders on how their commercial experiences gained in Europe and Taiwan can be transferred to Japan
  • Dynamic panel on prospects and challenges in Asia’s offshore wind industry
  • Assess the latest advancement in floating wind and turbine technologies and opportunities for Japan
  • Connect with key players in offshore wind supply chain, and network with key influencers and decision makers
  • 10+ networking hours – take advantage of CMT Connect, and many opportunities to network with fellow delegates and speakers during pre-conference workshop, refreshment breaks, luncheons and cocktail reception.

Confirmed Speakers from
  • Wood Mackenzie
  • Baker & McKenzie (Gaikokuho Joint Enterprise)
  • Ørsted
  • RENOVA Inc.
  • Nagasaki Prefectural Government
  • Eiger Law
  • Northland Power
  • Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners
  • Development Bank Of Japan Inc.
  • Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking
  • The Carbon Trust
  • Equinor ASA
  • SAITEC  

洋上風力発電の大手が5月に東京で開催されるCMT's OWP Japanに参加へ

【東京2019年4月4日PR Newswire】2019年5月15-17日に東京で開催されるCMT's OWP Japan(Offshore Wind Power、洋上風力発電) サミットは、急速に発展している日本の海上風力発電市場をクローズアップして、入札制度や政府の目標、コスト削減戦略、浮体式洋上風力発電の最新の進歩などの話題が議論される。

日本は2050年までに経済分野における脱炭素化を図るため、洋上風力発電の可能性を探っている。CMT's OWP Japanは、Orsted(エルステッド)の「Unlocking Japan's Offshore Wind Potential(日本の洋上風力発電の可能性を解明する)」、レノバ(Renova)の「Commitment to Renewable Energy & IPP Prospects'(再生可能エネルギー&IPP(独立系発電事業者)の展望に対するコミットメント)」、そして長崎県庁の「Nagasaki's Efforts to Establish a Marine Based Renewable Energy Industry(洋上ベースの再生可能エネルギー産業を確立するための長崎の取り組み)」などの発表を通じて、実現しつつある洋上風力発電プロジェクトの全貌を明らかにする。

アジア太平洋(APAC)地域の来る10年間に新たに付加されるグリッド接続発電容量、計画中の洋上プロジェクト、風力発電価格などの洋上風力発電市場については、ウッドマッケンジー(Wood Mackenzie)から説明される。

洋上風力発電プロジェクトを開発している台湾の経験とサクセスストーリーについては、台湾のEiger Lawが主催するセッションの中で詳しく議論される。またNorthland Powerは、「Creating the Supply Chain - Needs & Opportunities in the North Asian Market(サプライチェーンの創設:北アジア市場のニーズと機会)」に関する洞察を紹介する。さらに、Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners(コペンハーゲン・インフラ基金)は、「Constructing a Successful Offshore Wind Partnership & Supply Chain in Japan(日本において有望な洋上風力発電の提携およびサプライチェーンの構築)」について、同社の見解を発表する。一方、ベーカー&マッケンジー法律事務所(Baker & McKenzie)は、「Prospects of Asian Offshore Wind Industry(アジアの洋上発電産業の展望)」に関するパネルディスカッションで司会役を務める。

英国を拠点とするCarbon Trustが「Cost-Reduction in Europe (Successful Case Study) & Relevance for the Japanese market(欧州のコスト削減(成功例のケーススタディ)と日本市場との関連性)」について発表するので、日本の急速に発展している洋上風力発電(OWP)市場に対する英国と欧州での経験からコスト削減に関する教訓を引き出すことができる。さらにウッドマッケンジーは、「Global Offshore Wind Industry Technology & Cost Reduction(世界の洋上風力発電産業とコスト削減)」について見解を紹介する。

*「Japanese Offshore Wind Law & FIT Scheme(日本の洋上風力エネルギーに関する法律とFITスキーム)」- ベーカー&マッケンジー
*  Financing Offshore Wind Power in Japan-Perspective of Japanese Financial Institutions(日本の金融機関の日本展望における洋上風力発電資金調達について)- 日本政策投資銀行
*「Financing Offshore Wind in Japan: Similarities & Differences (日本における風力発電の資金調達:類似性と相違性)」- Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking

Centre for Management Technology(CMT)が主催するこのサミットにおいては、また、Equinor ASAによる「Status & Perspectives in Japan's Floating Offshore Wind (日本の浮体式洋上風力発電の現状と展望」およびEOLFIによる「Floating Offshore Wind, Lessons Learnt from a French Pilot Farm Development & Road to Commercialization(浮体式洋上風力発電:フランスのパイロット事業開発と商業化の道から学んだ教訓)」の講演を予定している。

CMT의 OWP Japan, 올 5월 도쿄 개최

-- 주요 해상풍력발전 기업들 참가 예정

(도쿄 2019년 4월 2일 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) 오는 5월 15~17일 도쿄에서 열리는 CMT의 OWP Japan(Offshore Wind Power) 회담은 부상하는 일본의 해상풍력시장(입찰과 정부의 목표, 비용 절감 전략, 최신 부유식 풍력 기술 발전 등)을 자세히 다룰 예정이다.

일본은 2050년까지 자국 경제에서 탈탄소를 도모하고자 해상풍력을 모색하고 있다. CMT의 OWP Japan는 다음과 같은 발표를 통해 곧 진행되는 해상풍력 프로젝트를 추적할 예정이다.
- Orsted, '일본의 해상풍력의 잠재력 살펴보기(Unlocking Japan's Offshore Wind Potential)'
- Renova, '재생에너지에 대한 약속과 IPP 전망(Commitment to Renewable Energy & IPP Prospects)'
- 나가사키현청의 '해양 기반 재생에너지 산업 설립을 위한 나가사키의 노력(Nagasaki's Efforts to Establish a Marine Based Renewable Energy Industry)'

Wood Mackenzie는 APAC의 해상풍력 시장에 대한 자세한 개관으로써, 향후 10년 동안 그리드에 연결될 추가 발전량, 계획된 해상 프로젝트, 풍력 가격 등을 제공할 예정이다.

Eiger Law가 진행하는 세션에서는 해상풍력 프로젝트를 개발하는 데 있어 대만이 구축한 경험과 성공 사례를 소개한다. Northland Power는 '공급망 창출 - 북아시아 시장의 수요와 기회(Creating the Supply Chain - Needs & Opportunities in the North Asian Market)'에 관한 통찰을 공유한다. 그뿐만 아니라 Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners는 '일본에서 성공적인 해상풍력 파트너십 및 공급망 구축(Constructing a Successful Offshore Wind Partnership & Supply Chain in Japan)'에 관한 관점을 발표하고, Baker & McKenzie는 '아시아 해상풍력 산업에 관한 전망(Prospects of Asian Offshore Wind Industry)'을 주제로 패널 논의를 진행할 예정이다.

일본에서 빠르게 부상하는 OWP 시장은 영국과 유럽의 경험에서 비용 절감 교훈을 얻을 수 있다. 영국 기반의 Carbon Trust가 '일본 시장을 위한 유럽의 비용 절감(성공 사례 연구)과 그 관련성(Cost-Reduction in Europe (Successful Case Study) & Relevance for the Japanese market)'에 대한 대화를 주도할 예정이다. 그뿐만 아니라 Wood Mackenzie는 '세계 해상풍력산업 기술 및 비용 절감(Global Offshore Wind Industry Technology & Cost Reduction)'에 관한 관점을 공유할 예정이다.

OWP 프로젝트의 법적 및 재정적 측면은 아래 세션에서 다룬다.
- 일본의 해상풍력법 및 FIT 제도 - Baker & McKenzie
- 일본에서 해상풍력발전에 자금 지원 - 일본 금융기관의 관점 - 일본개발은행
- 일본에서 해상풍력에 자금 지원: 유사점과 차이점 - Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking

또한, Centre for Management Technology (CMT)가 조직하는 이 프로그램은 Equinor ASA의 '일본 부유 해상풍력의 현황과 관점' 및 EOLFI의 '부유 해상풍력, 프랑스의 시범 발전소 개발 및 상업화 경로에서 얻은 교훈'도 발표할 예정이다. 이 회담에 참여하는 전시업체는 Fugro, EKO 및 EOLFI다.

Be a Sponsor or Exhibitor!

This event is an excellent platform to promote your organization to influential players and investors in the industry. Sponsorship opportunities available include Corporate, Exclusive Luncheon & Cocktail sponsor.

For Sponsor
please contact fiona@cmtsp.com.sg or (65) 6346 9138

For Exhibition
please contact hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg or (65) 6346 9218

Industry News

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation plans to monitor and control battery and power conditioners for energy storage systems for 600MW of wind turbines that are to be connected to the grid.
Hokkaido Wind Energy Transmission Corporation (HWETC) is leading the pilot project and has started construction at its Kita-Toyotomi substation on the northern-most of Japan’s main islands last year. The facility will have 240MW/720MWh storage systems.
Engineering company Chiyoda Corporation has been entrusted with the work of designing and building the storage systems, which will be part of a grid reinforcement pilot project.
The project is expected to be operational by March 2023.
Mitsubishi’s Blender RE energy management system will be used in the project that will help monitor lithium-ion batteries with output of 240MW and 720MWh storage capacity.
Blender RE can strengthen the grid with stable power supply as it will not only balance electricity supply and demand but also power surpluses as more wind farms come on-stream in Japan.
More about offshore wind power will be discussed at CMT’s OWP Japan (Offshore Wind Power) on 16-17 May, 2019 in Tokyo.
Contact Hafizah at hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg or call +65 6346 9218 for more details.

03 May, 2019

Japan will soon allow its territorial waters to be used for developing commercial offshore wind power.
The country’s National DIET (parliament) has approved a bill that allows commercial use of offshore wind in Japanese waters in December 2018.
The bill will be put into effect in the spring of 2019 and it is expected that the first offshore wind tenders will be released around the same time. It is expected that around five offshore wind development areas will be designated where offshore wind power facilities can be developed.
A ”basic policy” is expected from the Cabinet to use Japan’s territorial waters outside the port-related areas for the development of renewable energy.
What is expected next is that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (in consultation with other relevant ministries) will identify potential offshore wind zones, after which the developers would submit their bids.
The winners of the tendering process would get a 30-year lease to develop and operate wind farms at the designated areas.
Find out more about Japan’s wind power market at CMT's OWP Japan (Offshore Wind Power) on 15-17 May, 2019 in Tokyo.
Contact Hafizah at hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg or call +65 6346 9218 for more details.

10 Apr, 2019


As the Japanese government aims to increase wind power capacity in the country to 10 million kilowatts by 2030, it is looking at removing some of the restrictions on building wind power plants in Japan. Since 2012, Japan had subjected wind power generation to environmental assessment. This system, required wind power plants with an output of 10,000 kilowatts or more to undergo the assessment.


Now, Japan's Environment Ministry plans to raise the output from the current level and only mandate large-scale wind power plants to undergo environmental impact assessments.


These environmental assessment requirement has proven to be a huge obstacle for wind power capacity generation in Japan as the procedure takes up to four to five years and incurs huge costs.


Although the deregulation is expected to reduce the time and financial burden on plant constructors, there are also concerns over wind power plants causing deforestation and endangering birds that strike windmills.


Get more information about wind power generation in Japan at OWP Japan (Offshore Wind Power) on 16-17 May, 2019 in Tokyo.


Contact Ms. Hafizah at hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg or +65 6346 9218 for more details.



03 Dec, 2018