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Singapore’s Marine Fuel Market in the Post-IMO 2020 & Pandemic Environment

09 Jul, 2020

Webinar Details:

As the bunker and shipping sector sailed through the IMO 2020 in Jan 1, 2020, considerable effort and planning was made to ensure it was smooth.  While market volatility was expected, none would have predicted the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic coupled with the collapse of crude oil price.

CMT's Bunker Fuel Asia features 5 experts from Singapore/Global marine fuels in a panel discussion on Singapore bunker fuel markets, outlook amidst the disruption and moving forward.

Join us on this webinar, themed "Singapore’s Marine Fuel Market in the Post-IMO 2020 & Pandemic Environment”, on 9 July 2020, at 09:00 hrs ET (15:00 Hrs CEST), together with:

  • (Moderator) Adrian Tolson, Director, BLUE Insight Lead

  • Jesper Rosenkrans – Director, Global Sales & Business Development
    Total Marine Fuels Global Solutions

  • Yasuhito (Oliver) Imaizumi, Deputy GM, Summit Energy & Resources Pte Ltd

  • Justin Tan, Category Manager, Marine Fuels and Hedging, The China Navigation Company

  • John Phillips, Head – Bunker Credit Mgt, Global, GP Global Group


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Adrian Tolson
Adrian Tolson is the Director and Lead for BLUE’s Insight practice, and one of the shipping industry’s leading marine energy experts. With more than 30 years of experience he has both detailed knowledge and insight into the supply and demand side of marine fuel, and into bunkering infrastructure development.

In 2015, Adrian founded maritime consultancy 20|20, which was acquired by business, brand and communications consultancy, BLUE, in 2019. Adrian leads BLUE’s Insight practice, which provides commercial advisory, research and intelligence services across the key areas of transformation within the maritime industry. This includes the changing marine energy supply chain, digitalisation and the drive for decarbonisation and sustainability.

John Phillips
John is a Chartered Shipbroker, sitting as a Committee member of the ICS Singapore Branch, originally from Milford Haven, Wales he cut his teeth in Port Agency and Tanker Operations way back in 1982. Later working in London, Athens and Saudi Arabia, John led teams and ran Ship Agency, brokerage and Survey businesses until returning to the UK in 1999 to undertake Studies at Plymouth University in Maritime Business with Maritime Law (BSc Hons) and Port Management (MSc) before entering Counter-Party Risk, Due Diligence and Customer Credit in 2002 with MRC/Lloyd’s List. John relocated permanently to Singapore in 2008 and he later ran Ocean Intelligence (most recently part of S&P Platts). John has headed Credit in Chemoil Group, Soyuz Bunkering Group and since late 2015 Gulf Petrochem Group (GP Global) which has over 40 bunker traders across twelve global locations. He is also a member of IBIA, IECA, the Institute of Petroleum, and the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport.

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Adrian Tolson 


BLUE Insight Lead


Jesper Rosenkrans 

Director, Global Sales & Business Development

Total Marine Fuels Global Solutions 



Yasuhito (Oliver) Imaizumi 

Deputy GM

Summit Energy & Resources Pte Ltd



Justin Tan 

Category Manager, Marine Fuels and Hedging

The China Navigation Company



John Phillips 

Head – Bunker Credit Mgt, Global

GP Global Group