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Short-term and Long-term Impacts of Covid-19 on Coal

10 Jun, 2020


Webinar Details: 
Covid-19 continues to disrupt economies and affect financial market. Thermal coal is no exception. Global demand has taken a hit as a result of many countries going on a lockdown and bringing on a reduction in total power demand. What will be the impact on coal generation as isolation policies ease?

As the immediate effect of Covid-19 passes, CMT’s coal webinar will highlight on the longer-term impact of coal prices, capacity factors and power generation with forecasts for the rest of 2020. Speakers will also explore the status of climate change objectives for future coal additions during this uncertain economic times.

  • Global Climate Change Policies & Coal amidst Covid-19
    Dr. Lars Schernikau, Shareholder, HMS Bergbau

  • Covid-19: Impact on demand, price and production of Coal in India
    Linus Lobo, VP-Marketing and Sales, Iman Resources

  • China coal market outlook post Covid-19
    Sarah Liu, Deputy General Manager, Fenwei Energy Information Services

Join us for our webinar where we discuss about Short-term and long-term impacts of Covid-19 on Coal, 10 JUNE 2020, 15:00 Hrs (Singapore, GMT +8).


New dates of our Rescheduled Event 

28 - 29 Sep 2020 - Hanoi, Vietnam


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Dr. Lars Schernikau, Shareholder
HMS Bergbau


Linus Lobo, VP-Marketing and Sales
Iman Resources


Sarah Liu, Deputy General Manager
Fenwei Energy Information Services